Object of the week 2024/2

Filtering by: Object of the week 2024/2

Jielemeguvvie guvvie sjisjnjeli - Film inside an image (2015–16) by Gerard Byrne, Towner, Eastbourne, Sussex
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Jielemeguvvie guvvie sjisjnjeli - Film inside an image (2015–16) by Gerard Byrne, Towner, Eastbourne, Sussex

This exhibition is titled in English and the endangered Nordic language of Southern Sámi. No equivalent word exists for ‘film’ in this language, interestingly the closest translation is ‘Life within an image’. The film itself slowly documents the 360-degree panoramic …

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‘The Street’ by Howard Riley, Salford Museum and Art Gallery
1:01 AM01:01

‘The Street’ by Howard Riley, Salford Museum and Art Gallery

Is this street sloping up or downhill? Harold Riley wrote “I played with pictures of streets. I can’t tell if it’s going up or down, Some think it’s going down to the sea, or rising up to the hills. I like to play this trick. I find it interesting.” Like his friend, associate and local Salford artist L. S. Lowry …

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‘Charing Cross Bridge’ (1902) by Claude Monet Amgueddfa Cymru/ National Museums & Galleries of Wales, Cardiff
1:01 AM01:01

‘Charing Cross Bridge’ (1902) by Claude Monet Amgueddfa Cymru/ National Museums & Galleries of Wales, Cardiff

The River Thames, full of evocative atmosphere, mysterious light and radiant colour as captured by someone who understood exactly how to replicate the effects of light on the canvas. It’s on display in London, just a few metres from where Monet made the painting ...

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Murchison oil platform model, Aberdeen Maritime Museum
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Murchison oil platform model, Aberdeen Maritime Museum

An oil rig is a little like the tip of an iceberg – only a little is visible over the horizon, leaving our imagination to fill in what’s under the water. It’s just that one is being destroyed by climate change and the other is part of the network of problems that have led us to the planetary crisis ...  

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Found objects, Museum of Faith and Dialogue, Lampadusa, Italy
1:01 AM01:01

Found objects, Museum of Faith and Dialogue, Lampadusa, Italy

These personal objects are among items found at sea following shipwrecks, each of them able to tell a story of a life in flux – a straw hat, a Koran, an Eritrean child’s drawing testifying to the torture. Did these objects belong to those who survived crossing the Mediterranean Sea, or those who perished? …

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