Whether we’re writing an interpretive strategy for an entire site or a detailed interpretation plan for a small exhibit, the principles of interpretation remain the same. I bring people together to think about audiences, messages, outcomes and interpretative solutions that can bring heritage sites and collections alive.
Other clients commissioning heritage interpretation consultancy services include…
Tate Hall Museum, Univeristy of Liverpool – curating new museum displays (opens September 2025)
Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery – curatorial interpretation planning for an experimental redisplay of the Hart collection (2024-25)
Domino Association, Zagreb, Croatia – faciltiating exploration workshops about LGBTQ+ online interpretation (2024)
International Centre for the Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites (UNESCO) – Co-author of Research on Interpretation for World Heritage Sites featuring Criterion vi (2023-24)
University of Birmingham – interpretation planning for Incarcerated: Contemporary Arts from the Victorian Prison temporary exhibition at Midlands Arts Centre, Birmingham (2024)
Bolton Museum and Art Gallery – text editorial for Why we ring temporary exhibition (2023)
The Workhouse and Infirmary, Nottinghamshire (National Trust) – interpretation planning for [Re]counted: rediscovery of personal stories from the 1921 census temporary exhibition (2023)
Museum of Hartlepool, Co Durham – developing interpretation scheme for a playful welcome to the museum (2023)
National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh – critical friend for interpretation planning on Rising Tide: art and environment in Oceania, Theravada Buddhism and Uniquely Scottish Silver exhibitions (2022-23)
Kettering High Street Action Zone, Northamptonshire – developing interpretation scheme for 10 high street panels (2022)
The Exchange, University of Birmingham – developing interpretation for Making home: a place to be temporary exhibition (2022)
University of St Andrews Museums, Fife – developing interpretation plan for Dive In! temporary exhibtion (2021-22)
National Science and Media Museum, Bradford – developing an interpretation vision for two new permanent galleries (2019)
Wicksteed Park, Kettering – interpretation plan for HLF round 2 application about the heritage of outdoor play (2018-19)
The Old Library, Liverpool – interpretation plan and installation of display in public realm (2018)
Staffordshire Arts and Museums Service – wrote A guide to interpreting horse-drawn carriages in museum collections (2018)
The Portico Library, Manchester – interpretation for Recollection: memory and time exhibition (2017)
Museum of the Order of St John, London – creating interpretive content about the First World War (2015)
Guildford Cathedral – interpretation plan for a successful HLF round 2 application (2014)
Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre, Kuwait – interpretation scheme planning for a new science museum (2014)
The British Library - development of an interpretive vision for new permanent displays (2013-14)
Design Museum – development of interactive interpretation displays (2012)
English Heritage – interpretation planning across the East Region (including Bolsover Castle) and free sites (2012)
BBC Learning – curator of two exhibitions Hands on History: Turn back time about the history of the British high street (2010) and Reel History of Britain about social history through archive film (2011)
The British Museum, London – Interpretation Officer working on temporary exhibitions and permanent galleries (2006-9)
Media Community Network – curated an exhibition about reggaeton (2008)
The Wende Museum, Los Angeles - Public Program Coordinator (2005-6)
Imperial War Museums – Research Assistant for The Holocaust Exhibition and Crimes against humanity (2003-05)