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Corfield Periflex 3A camera, Ballymoney Museum, Northern Ireland

This was a pretty radical camera, for the time. Within months of this camera going on sale in 1959, camera makers in Germany and Japan were imitating the ‘chequerboard’ design of the control knobs and lens mount.

The 3A was the first camera to be designed by K.G. Corfield, Limited at their factory in Ballymoney, at the time the only camera manufacturers in Ireland. They’d just relocated to Ballymoney from Wolverhampton and had to recruit and train almost an entirely new workforce. The Periflex 3a is a testament to their skills and enthusiasm.

Former employees still have fond memories of their days at Corfield and many lifelong friendships were formed. There was always a positive attitude on the production line. When a set target was achieved, a big cheer would go up…and then they would go straight back to work!