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‘Princess Victoria aged four’ by Stephen Poyntz Denning (1823), Dulwich Picture Gallery, London

Stephen Poyntz Denning (1795–1864) started life as a beggar and was apprenticed for seven years colouring prints. By 1821 he had become Keeper of Dulwich Picture Gallery, a job he for over 40 years. What a fulfilled life.

His portrait of the girl who would go on to become Queen Victoria passed into the collection in 1891, some years after his death and only a few before hers. There’s something melancholy about this little girl, wrapped up in her huge black outfit and furs. Perhaps there was a hint even then of the sad life she was to end up leading. Today, we can’t imagine children, even miserable royal children, being portrayed in such a sad way. Her life seems pretty downbeat, compared to the triumphs of the artist’s.