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Aroma diffuser, Mauritshuis, The Hague, Netherlands

Do you experience a painting differently if you can also literally smell the work as you look at it? Now you can try it out for yourself, at home, as part of a digital-meets-olfactory art gallery experience.

If there’s an under-used sense in museums, it’s smell. In the exhibition Fleeting – Scents in Colour visitors are invited not only to allow the colours to jump off the canvas, but also the scent (in a Covid-safe way). But be warned, there are also some paintings and drawings where you’d rather hold your nose.

If you can’t make it to the museum, you can order a box to home with four pumps containing scents from the 17th century that have been specially made for the exhibition. You also get access to the online exhibition. Clever, eh? You can smell of the Dutch bleaching fields of Jacob van Ruisdael's View of Haarlem, the Grocer’s Shop by Willem van Mieris, and the foul-smelling canal of Jan van der Heyden's View of the Oudezijds Voorburgwal.

(Due to Brexit, they’re not shipping to the UK at the moment, but we hope they will again soon.)