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‘The Border People’s Parliament’ (2018) by Suzanne Lacy, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester

102 portraits look across this room, all participants from one of Suzanne Lacy’s participatory workshops that lead to the creation of her work. In 2018, Lacy and her collaborators travelled along the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic, visiting some of the most isolated communities there. They co-produced some films, produced some community events and had many many discussions – and it’s those discussions and meetings that are a vital part of Lacy’s work.

Indeed, the process is as important as the final artwork that goes in the gallery. That can be a bit tricky to communicate to an audience, but the Whitworth has had a fair attempt at it in What Kind of City?: a manual for social change, their new temporary exhibition.

The photos here are of some participants who came together at Parliament Buildings, Stormont for a discursive event which resulted in a new manifesto – fundamental principles about these people’s lives and the landscapes in which they live.

I wrote a review of the exhibition for the online magazine Northern Soul and you can read it here.